Upcycled Utensil Holder

Create wall-mounted storage for utensils using MDF and food cans.

Select cans with printed instead of paper labels. Wash empty cans thoroughly and use a half-round second-cut file to remove any burrs and sharp edges from the rims.

Mark a clearance hole on the inside back of each can just below the rim. Position the cans on a scrap piece of timber and drill the holes.

Cut a piece of 12mm MDF to size and mark the position of each can using a pencil. Mark and drill pilot holes in the MDF, then secure the cans using 12mm x 8g screws.

Locate the wall studs and drill clearance holes in a tiled splashback using a glass and tile bit, then drill pilot holes in the studs and the MDF.

Secure the MDF to the studs using 65mm x 8g screws.

use a screw driver to add a nail to a can,
Mark and drill pilot holes in the MDF, then secure the cans using 12mm x 8g screws

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