Treat Your Lawn To The Best Kitchen Waste

Making compost using a worm farm is the perfect job for kids, and one that bares tangible results.

Using a sturdy and reliable worm farm or compost bin makes the whole job of recycling food waste easier – and best of all, it’s fun!

Tumbleweed’s Can-O-Worms worm farm is the perfect opportunity to teach your kids the importance of worms and the role that these natural recyclers play in the earth’s sustainability.

Get your kids to play with worms and dirt to show them how much fun recycling can be.

The Can-O-Worms is a composting system that’s perfect for small to medium families, enabling families to convert their household food waste into a rich fertiliser in an easy, productive and fun way.

Designed with built-in mounds to encourage worms to move from collector trays to working trays, the Can-O-Worms features flow-through ventilation to maximise performance, with handy extras such as sturdy legs and a drip free tap.

For more information on Tumbleweed’s Can-O-Worms, click here.

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