Many potential dangers are obvious to us as we work, such as spinning blades on power equipment, a badly balanced ladder or an overfull wheelbarrow.

But more insidious hazards can go unseen until it’s too late, sometimes resulting in fatal mistakes.

Three hazards to be aware of while working on DIY projects are electricity, asbestos and lead.

All three can be present in homes and all are dangerous if they are not handled carefully.

Here, we outline what to look out for and what precautions to take to ensure a safe working environment.

Dealing with lead

Dealing with lead

Lead is a hidden hazard that must be taken seriously and is quite difficult for a home owner to deal with safely.

The most dangerous situations are created when lead paints are removed by scraping, sanding, sand-blasting and using heat guns.

Sanding with power tools is the most hazardous, as the resulting dust is very fine, making it easy to inhale and spread throughout the home.

It can lodge in carpet and soft furnishings or in the garden.

When removing paint, use a test kit or call in testing professionals to get a full evaluation.

Wear protective clothing, including disposable coveralls, overshoes, gloves, a suitable respirator and a hat.

Remove or cover furniture and play equipment, seal off areas where paint is to be removed, protect garden soil with drop sheets and use plastic disposable sheets to collect material.


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