Using way too much laundry detergent

Using way too much laundry detergent

“Using too much laundry detergent not only wastes product, but it can leave residue on your clothes rather than clean them,” notes Sansoni. At the same time, you also don’t want to use too little. “Using too little product prevents your laundry from getting as clean as it should, perhaps requiring you to wash it again, wasting water.” The solution is to check the laundry detergent label and follow their directions to a T; they’ve done a ton of research to find that Goldilocks amount, so listen to them.


Cleaning everything all at once

Cleaning everything all at once

Having a designated cleaning day is wonderful, but note that some things need to be cleaned with more frequency. “When you wait to clean your home all at once, the surfaces that should be cleaned more often – such as doorknobs, keyboards, cabinet handles, and other frequently touched surfaces – stay dirty,” says Sansoni. He recommends making a set cleaning schedule. Pick a day or days of the week to wipe down and clean the “hot spots,” and spread the rest of your cleaning out over time. Having the right products on hand will help, too. A multipurpose cleaner is a great option.

Using liquid drain cleaner in your toilet

Using liquid drain cleaner in your toilet

Liquid drain cleaners are great for tackling your gunked-up sink, but they are not meant for toilets. If you’re dealing with a clogged toilet, this is where a good, old-fashioned plunger comes into play.

Neglecting your microwave

Neglecting your microwave

Out of sight, out of mind – right? Well, until you open up your microwave and see a splattery mess! It’s best to clean your microwave after every use (a simple wipe-down will do), but if you end up with a dry, caked-on mess, you’ve got some options. Regalbuto says, “Place a bowl inside with lemon juice, water, and vinegar and turn the microwave on for two minutes to let it steam up. After, wipe down the interior with a damp cloth.” Make sure to clean the buttons on the outside, too.

This article originally appeared on Reader’s Digest.

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