To make a path glow, apply a base coat of the clear sealer, then sprinkle the supplied flakes over the surface, finishing with another clear top coat.

Barely visible during the day, the sun charges the flakes so they can glow brightly at night.

Make sure the location where you apply the paint gets at least six hours of direct sunlight during the day for optimum brightness at night.

TIP: Use it on plant pots or to display the house number on the footpath.

Step 1. Apply base coat

Step 1. Apply base coat
Sue Ferris

Check if the area to be covered is suitable by dropping a little water on the surface.

If the water beads, etch the concrete first with an etching solution.

If the water absorbs, it is ready.

Thoroughly brush the surface to get rid of all dirt and grime, then apply the clear base coat.


Step 2. Sprinkle flakes

Step 2. Sprinkle flakes
Sue Ferris

Pour the sachet of flakes into the paint tin lid.

While the clear base coat is still wet, take a small handful of flakes and scatter them over the surface in the desired pattern and density.

If applying to a pathway, use a paintbrush to dab the flakes to ensure they lie flat.

Step 3. Seal surface

Step 3. Seal surface
Sue Ferris

Allow the clear base coat and flakes to dry for at least two hours.

Once the surface is completely dry, apply a thick top coat of the clear sealer to create a seal over the flakes.

It will appear cloudy, but dries clear.

For a pathway, don’t walk over the area for at least 24 hours.

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